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from $100.00

Videos are sent to you via Dropbox. They are shot in the setting of your choice, if you have a preference. Custom, instrumental music is created for each video so that copyright infringement problems are eliminated. Video production is amateur (but good!), and you are therefore encouraged to view the sample video in advance. Videos will be posted to my YouTube channel.

Videos can be posted as an exclusive blog post by purchasing the "exclusive blog post" for $150. A shortened version of the video will be promoted in Instagram encouraging people to view the full video and the product review on the blog.

A short version of the video (or the complete video) may be shared to Instagram, but is not guaranteed without the purchase of the exclusive blog post.


While you will not have control over the setting, music, and other factors, your product will be seen in a collaboration video or webisode. The video will be uploaded to YouTube, as well as the blog. A clip from each video will likely be posted in Instagram, but there is no guarantee which companies will be in that short clip. 

Please follow the instructions below before sending.


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For this service, you must ship product to:

Siren Williams, 505 kirby St., Palatka, FL 32177

Please include the name of the company in the package, along with your social media handles.