Beaches Facial Plastic and Nasal Surgery Center of Jacksonville, FL

I recently had the opportunity to visit Rae at Beaches in Jacksonville, FL to get a botox touch-up and add some Voluma to the Cheeks. We added botox to the area between the eyebrows and to the crows feet, and added a little under the brow for a slight lift. With Voluma, we added 1/2 a syringe to each cheek.

Here is my experience with adding the Voluma, and Rae talks about her favorite method of injecting Botox.

I made a special visit to Beaches Facial Plastic & Nasal Surgery Center in Jacksonville, FL to get a little bit of Botox and Voluma. Here's a few minutes of the visit while Rae injects my cheeks with Voluma and then shares her favorite method of injecting Botox.