The question you’ve been asking yourself, but never asked.
For most people who start fishing for trout and redfish in Florida, the first question they ask themselves is, “lures or bait?”. Some don’t even think twice about the use of frozen bait or live bait, and justifiably so, seeing as how it feels like a no-brainer if you’re looking to catch more fish. So if you’re one of those who is truly pondering the difference, I’m going to lay it out for ya. Assuming you already know a thing or two about lure variety, and a little about which bait you’d use, Let’s jump right into the pro’s and con’s of each.
Let’s start with Lures.
They’re pretty simple to keep when they’re rinsed and clean, and you don’t ever have to worry about buying or catching bait day after day.
But what are the environmental impacts? You’re more likely to catch the fish (species and size) you’re after by targeting them with a lure they like, where using bait opens you up to catching more unwanted fish. If you’re a fisherman, I’d bet you can find good reason to care about the health of the body of water you’re fishing in, as well as the eco system and the fish populations where you’re fishing. Using lures can help maintain healthy populations of the bait species, which the eco system in that area feeds on, overall. Furthermore, lures decrease your chances of deep-hooking, which leads to a much higher mortality rate in the species you’re after if you’re catching to release, and if you want to insure a healthy population of redfish and trout in your area, lures will certainly help do that.
Many people prefer the challenge of using lures because it isn’t as simple as blind-casting into the middle of nowhere, or even sight-fishing with live or chunk bait. Using a lure can often require more patience and more knowledge of where the fish will be during a specific tide, and you can opt to blind-cast in those areas from a distance away, or even sight-fish when you’re on the flats.
The first real downfall to using lures is that you’ll probably catch fewer fish. But call in the cows! Bait, and especially live bait, attract fish, making the situation a bit easier for the average fisherman.
The next challenge you’ll find is that it’ll take a little experimenting to figure out which lures the redfish and trout in your body of water prefer. It can’t hurt to ask around and see what other people are trying, if they’ll give up any tips. Then you get to figure out weights, hooks, colors, reeling speed, and even where and how to fish using a lure.
Lures that work can often be found for around $10, but if you play with too many, that can add up quite quick, so having some direction definitely helps. There are some inexpensive options that work, such as paddle-tails and soft plastics, it just depends on how you want to fish, or what works best for you.
The last downfall is waste. One day those lures will end up in the landfill.
So why not give the fish what they actually want? Bait will catch you more fish, keep your rod bent, and allow you to post up with a beer in-hand for as long as you’d like. When fish get more excited about an actual fish on the end of your line, you tend to end up with more deep-hooked fish who are less likely to come off the line when you’re bringing them in. Overall, the situation is easier, making it a good option when teaching kids how to fish, when it’s dark or the water is murky.
On the contrary, some people don’t want to get their hands dirty. Others can’t throw as cast net to save their lives. Some can’t afford or don’t want to drive to the bait shop time after time. You’ll also need to keep your bait alive if you’re planning to catch it yourself, which is an added hassle and expense, and if you’re buying bait, you may need to plan for refrigeration or freezing.
Overall, lures can be the best if you’re considering the wellbeing of the ecosystem and fish population since you can more easily and safely target the fish you want, but if you’re in need of dinner, bait will get you there faster!